Lewis Real Estate – Improving Engagement with Website Design


The Results






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Sophia Lewis – Owner Lewis Real Estate Agency

Remote Sharks Marketing Agency transformed our outdated website into a sleek, modern platform reflecting our professionalism. The design resulted in a 45% increase in user engagement, a 50% improvement in mobile compatibility, and a 35% boost in page load speed. Our online presence has significantly improved, attracting more clients and enhancing our reputation. We highly recommend Remote Sharks Marketing for its exceptional WordPress design services.

Project Overview

Sophia Lewis, owner of Lewis Real Estate Agency, recognized that her agency needed a website design to better reflect its strong market presence and professionalism. Despite a solid reputation, the existing website had an outdated design and performance issues that were hindering user engagement. Partnering with Remote Sharks Marketing Agency, Sophia sought a modern, user-friendly solution to enhance the site’s aesthetics, mobile compatibility, and performance.

The Challenge

Lewis Real Estate Agency faced challenges with an outdated website that was not engaging users effectively. The site had a poor design, slow load times, and lacked mobile compatibility, which limited its ability to attract and retain clients.

Why Chose Remote Sharks Marketing

Sophia chose Remote Sharks Marketing for our expertise in WordPress website design. Our proven ability to deliver sleek, modern designs and enhance website performance made us the ideal choice to help elevate her agency’s online presence.

How Remote Sharks Marketing Responded

We undertook a comprehensive design of Lewis Real Estate Agency’s website with a focus on:

  • Sleek, Modern Design: Creating an aesthetically pleasing and professional look.
  • User Engagement: Enhancing site interaction with a 45% increase in engagement.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Improving mobile responsiveness by 50% for a seamless experience on all devices.
  • Page Load Speed: Boosting page load speed by 30% to enhance user experience.

The Results

  • Design Quality: The website received a sleek, modern makeover, aligning with the agency’s professional image.
  • User Engagement: Engagement increased by 45%, reflecting a more interactive and appealing site.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Improved by 50%, ensuring a smooth and responsive experience across devices.
  • Page Load Speed: Enhanced by 35%, leading to faster load times and a better overall user experience.

Ready to transform your website and improve your online performance like Lewis Real Estate Agency? Contact Remote Sharks Marketing Agency today to learn how our WordPress website design services can elevate your online presence and drive better results for your business.

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